They say you can manifest love; Priyanka and Joy sure did when they downloaded Aisle. “It was a conscious decision. I was of marriageable age and wanted to settle down within that time frame,” adds Priyanka. Joy agrees, “I had been on dating apps before but this time, I knew I wanted something permanent.” The universe was on their side and both matched instantly, thanks to similar tastes and preferences. Joy recounts, “She had an attractive profile picture and that urged me to send her an Invite.”
They both got talking on the app. Priyanka was cautious and wanted to be sure before they exchanged numbers. It was only a month later that she finally gave in and shared her number with Joy. Their casual chats soon graduated to unending phone calls and the two decided to meet in-person. Joy adds, “I knew that she was the one and wanted to pop the question right away. I didn’t want to wait, because she was perfect for me.” Perhaps that was also the reason why Joy proposed to her on her birthday. Priyanka recalls, “It was the best birthday surprise because I knew I was falling for him ever since I first spoke to him. I had already told my family about him, so it was perfect timing.”

Since the family was in the loop, wedding preparations started soon after they went on their first date. Priyanka adds, “It was so much fun. We couldn’t stop talking and kept ordering food. He made me laugh and was so honest and sincere about his life.” Joy adds, “We had a lot of fun in general. We believe in the same things. She is a very calming influence in my life. I think she has made me a better person.”

Everything just magically fell into place and the duo got married soon after. Three years later, they still finish each other’s sentences and agree to disagree. Priyanka elaborates, “We have different personalities, but our core values are the same. I love to dance, while he has two left feet! In a way, we balance each other out.” Their dating advice for anyone looking for a partner is based on loyalty and commitment. “Trust the timing,” Joy says, “be honest and loyal. You cannot fake it with your partner.”
We agree and wish the happy couple lots of love, laughter and light!
Priyanka & Joy: A love story with the best birthday surprise! was originally published in Aisle on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.